Sunday, March 5, 2017

I have an immigration solution that may be acceptable by all!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  While it appears that nobody read (or certainly followed) any of my previous advice, I shall nevertheless courageously forge on.  Citizen Bill is back.

I cannot watch another silly politician on TV explain to me the cruelty and brutality of actually trying to enforce our current immigration laws.  While immigration is at a 95 year high, one must not discuss the "illegals" in public.  How dare these rouge Police and ICE officials try to actually arrest, hold or deport these folks who's "only crime" is to have violated the promise they made to us when we let them in.  While Obama was certainly not shy at deporting folks, when Trump speaks out loud what a problem it continues to be, all of a sudden enforcement is a GOP or Trump act of inhumanity.  

We continue to see Governors, Mayors and even a few Police Chiefs openly declare that they will not do their sworn job and assist the Federal Government in doing their job in this immigration area (all while their entourage and voter support base cheer them on).  These sound bites and press conferences remind me of that scene where Queen Amidala comments so this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.  Our tolerance of tolerance is preventing opportunity and promotion of the general welfare and in some instances creating a national security risk.  In addition to being generally unAmerican, our failure to follow our laws even with empathetic intent, will create a negative result long term as others use the same defense for their failure to follow the law (I stole to feed my baby or I raped her because of her outfit).  As I recall President Regan legalized 3 million of these folks once and now we have 12 million.  I guess that tact did not really solve the problem.  I am here to propose an actual solution.

And while we can argue all day on whether the current laws are fair and just (most immigration in 95 years), I would hope we would all agree that elected and appointed officials should follow the laws and regulations they were put in place and swore to follow.  Failure to do that and follow the Rule of Law makes us every bit as wrong as the dictators and communists we preach against daily.  Hypocrisy thy name is Immigration Tolerance.

But the first thing we always have to do in solving a problem is to clearly state the problem.  Here goes:

In America today there are 12-15 million people in our country who are not accounted for under the immigration laws of the USA (entry/exit status).  These are the folks that are referred to as the illegals or more politically correct as the undocumented.   These folks represent 13-14% of our entire population.

Before we can go any further we all have to agree on that statement above.  This is not a commentary on whether these are "family and friends" as the media allege or possibly "bad hombres" as our current POTUS warns.  This is just a summation of the facts we know from sources we hope to be reliable.  I believe this number to be accurate so we can now press forward to my solution.

Sources: Pew, National Review, USA Today, CIS Org

IMMIGRATION SOLUTION 101 - State the Problem and the Need for a Solution
IMMIGRATION SOLUTION 201 - Propose Solution that Addresses the Problem and the Need
IMMIGRATION SOLUTION 301 - Clarification of Birthright Citizenship

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