Who is Corporate Bill?

A Tale of Two Bills (more than one bill for sure).  That is really a good way to think about this. 

One day it came to me that I really live as 2 or more distinct characters.  There is the "philosophical me" (alcohol is bad) and then there is the "actual live and work me" (do you have Heineken in the bottle?).  There is even a "neighborhood/civic me" (you cannot put the bar in my neighborhood or next to the school or playground).

While this multiplicity is probably true of all humans, I have now fully realized it.  And with the proper segregation and disclaimers, I can now take advantage of the many strengths of all the different Bills.  A Tale of Many Bills if you will.

While the "Citizen Bill" might be speaking to his local City Council recommending against ALL tax abatements and TIF's and whatever fancy term for incentive/bribery they have come up with this week, the "Corporate Bill" has already filled out his paperwork at the County office and had lunch with the Clerk who administers the program (all Bills are Charming).  And the Civic Bill is pushing for expanding the municipal airport.  All Bills really work as one.

It has now occurred to me that many people might not act out all their true characters for fear of their injuring one of them.  This is my attempt to live fully as all my characters.  I think with these thoughts said and laid out as Many Bills, there in not any inconsistency in my actions.  All Bills are True and Believe what they say and act accordingly.

All Bills could be wrong but they each accept criticism and knowledge from all and will amend their theories when presented with a better alternative.

Corporate Bill on Facebook. 
Corporate Bill at the Office
Corporate Bill's Blog!

God Bless Bill and his Family & Friends.  Thanks.