Definitions & Terms
Here are some definitions and terms that might come in handy as you read along.
noun, an un-indicted criminal who works for one of the original banks that created the private central bank known as the Federal Reserve. Usually government appointees and somehow later put in charge of the “bailouts” and the TARP funds. Often former officers of these same banks who have a serious conflicting vested interest. There are good bankers who are usually unaware that there are nefarious members of their industry.
noun, a congressional representative who breaks their oath to the Constitution and panders to the polls or the “feel good society”. This is especially true of recent representatives who have voted for legislation that was not actually written.
Federal Preserve
noun, the
current “central bank” of the United States owned by private individuals
not the government as you are led to believe. This confusing entity
was created in secret in 1913 to be the “lender of last resort”. It was
foisted upon the Sheeple by a Senator from RI named Nelson Aldrich
after a spate of bank failures (Prodding Events). It was written by the
Banksters themselves (thus why authors are to this day still secret)
and is a copy of the Rothchild plan that is the Bank of England. This
enterprise is controlled by the New York Fed.
noun, any
active participant in a Ponzi scheme except the actual victim.
Congressional Representatives would be considered Ponzinators since
their promise for today requires theft from tomorrow (by every vote for
an unbalanced budget).
Prodding Event
noun, any
event whether natural (earthquake, flood) or unnatural (fire, war, Gulf
of Tonkin, 9/11, under-bomber) that incites the Sheople into a
behavior. (example: recent “terroristic events” have occurred during
the last several years that have caused some Constitutional freedoms to
be suspended via the unPatriot Act, freedoms Americans never would have
given up if not for the prodding event.)
noun, the
masses in America who go along to get along and do not question what
they are told, even when they can see something different. See Wikipedia Link.
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