Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ten simple steps to fix the economy!

There are lots of folks are out there complaining about this or that with no real answers of vision worthy of sharing.  But hopefully I am more than that, a doer not just a talker a problem solver not a problem maker. 

Here are my 10 common sense ideas for addressing our current society problems which mostly are economic and political in nature (meaning man made). 

Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the message.
  1. All numbers must be fully shown with no "adjustments", revisions, abbreviations or summary allowed (millions, thousands, etc.).  Likewise all legislation has to be simplified and written for the average reader without a bunch of corrollarys or external references.  The truth cannot be adjusted, abbreviated or footnoted, nor should there be a pile of unrelated pork attached to hurricane relief legislation.
  2. The government must "own the currency/bank" and the present Federal Reserve System must be changed.  The American taxpayer should not "borrow" to pay interest on its own money.  Annually, the deficit/surplus should be calculated and announced and the money supply adjusted accordingly.
  3. Every American should contribute and pay some Federal Income Tax.  The calculation and process should be very simple (like no deductions or exemptions).  You could have 3 nominal rates 2%, 12% and 30%.
  4. Long term investments and capital gains tax rates are capped at 25% for 10 years at a time and revisted every 5  (no threat of "politics" every four years which stifles investment and behavior). 
  5. No "multi national" publically traded company can pay its CEO more than it pays in actual USA income taxes.
  6. All "election" contributions are limited to "individuals" with a $50,000 individual max contribution and a clause that all contributions can only be made to folks that the individual can actually vote for.
  7. Creation of E-Vote-Verification system to create absolute integrity and trust in the voting system.
  8. Consume responsibly and locally from known vendors all things considered.  Pay a little more to your neighbor or friend.  A quality merchant is a rare thing and should be cherished.
  9. Do not pay "unemployment" benefits for physically and mentally fit individuals.  This is the responsibility of the family or the church NOT the government.  There is employment for everyone although there is structural pain sometimes.
  10. Do not have a "minimum wage" but do require all wages to be paid through the system (no under the table or unsubstantiated 1099 cash payments). 

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