Monday, September 12, 2011

National System on Interstate Waterways

Ok here is a crazy idea as I continue to sit here and read all the stories about recent fires and flooding and drought across America. 

Remember back during the late 1950‘s when we built the interstate highway system?  As a result of this initiative, there is roughly 50,000 miles of interstate highway in the continental United States.  

The system is named after it’s presidential champion Dwight D. Eisenhower. Now while I am not a huge fan of government largess, anyone paying attention lately knows this is our only "trick" to getting Americans employed.  The President just proposed sepnding another $450B on a "jobs plan". The last "jobs plan" created $1.6 million jobs at a cost of $200k each.  I have a better idea.

Suppose we built two 2 foot water lines right down the middle of the large interestate highways going east to west.  Or we could build in under it or over it as needed.

The Romans called it a “viaduct” (see example of modern viaduct bridge above) but this time we will not line it with lead. 
Then when we have flooding in Fargo, or Louisiana or wherever, we can just send that water to where it can do more good like West Texas or Bakersfield.  

This would be a large project but I think we could do the research fairly quickly and there should be few easement issues since the highways are already there.  If we do just the east-west routes over I-10, I-20 - I-50 etc. we could make a huge difference across the entire nation.  It would require all American construction (good jobs) and cost way less then bailing out a bank or insurance company.   Others have told me my plan makes too much sense.  There it is, comment away.

So says CitizenBill.

Originally posted March 9, 2009.

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