Saturday, September 24, 2011

You cannot tax us out of debt and back into prosperity!

I am very perplexed by the many daily arguments that we need to raise tax rates and that "millionaires need to pay their fair share".  

And recent comments by Buffet the Clown only further confuse the "less than millionaire" folks.  As anyone who has spent 20 minutes doing any research learns, the 267,000 millionaires in America already pay 90% of the taxes.

Now perhaps the real argument concerns "tax rates" not "amounts paid".  It would seem "unfair" that a millionaire would pay say 10% when a secretary might pay 18%.  But I am not sure that is a good analysis either.  

"Contribution" should always be in someway related to the tax on the activity (ie., golf fans pay for golf not all citizens).  Seems obvious to me that everyone would go nuts if Congress passed a law requiring us ALL to have "skydiver or needlepoint insurance".  Those folks who would never go skydiving or do needlepointing (probably the bulk of us) would be livid by this "forced socialism" and would likely revolt or hold "serious discussions" about this.  Why penalize everyone for the mistakes of a few? 

But just call it Federal Deposit Insurance, Social Security/Medicare, Uninsured Motorist Protection or Quantitative Easing (QE123) and somehow we forget all our free market American principals and philosophies.  Jefferson and Madison are rolling in their Patriotic graves as their published words of wisdom on how to avoid all this have been shelved ("too hard to read" one CongressClown said).

Now I don't know if some "rich folks are not paying their fair share", but what I do know (and know well) is that the Schofield Family (one man, his wife and their one child) contribute way more than their fair share.  

I work(ed) 60-80 hours a week since I was 16 to become successful.   Last year we paid 32% of "what our accountant says our income is" in just "federal income taxes" (and there are other taxes too numerous to recite here).  

Should I really be paying more?   Do you see any irony in the fact that if I worked less I would pay less?  Do you think the government is doing good stuff with this money?  What would I do with it if I got to keep it this significant amount of money?  Would I consume American products, save in bank or invest in my small businesses?  Seems like I am the real creator of jobs and any answer on what I would do with my own money is good for society?   It seems obvious that more "inefficient government redistribution" is not the answer and you can quickly see better answers in just these few questions.

And just because my S Corp income defines my taxes at such a rate I might be "a millionaire on paper", we too have trouble paying our bills and have to always manage our cash (and we live totally within our means).   These days I struggle to manage my funds as I care for my elderly mother in a nursing home.  But some think I should pay more. 

And I am a guarantor on all of our business debt while the economy is floundering (not worried really but the risk is always out there).  The argument to force the guy working the hardest with the most risk to pay some more is some progressive economics for sure.

We absolutely need a fair tax system but that would also be a tax that everyone pays.  The Alternative Minimum Tax was supposed to fix this but it did not.  Supposedly, 1,500 of these 267,000 millionaires paid at a lower rate than they possibly should (a statistical insignificance but makes for nice sound bite if you don't know the facts) and a few corporations seemingly paid little or nothing (those companies, like GE coincidentally have the most lobbyists and "political connections).

But 50% of the American taxpayers, the lowest income earners paid ZERO federal income taxes.  And they are very likely to be the ones that consume the bulk of these government services. And by "investing nothing" you can see they are not "vested" and quickly call for more taxes or subsidies.  And by investing nothing they are quick to buy from GE or China since this too does not hurt them.   This is an Economics Catch 22 wrapped up in class Albatross surrounded by a tax Enigma.

So let's stop this silly discussion about tax increases.  We need to raise tax rates right now just like we need new immigration laws.  NOT!  We just need to enforce the rules already in place and quit allowing loopholes and weakness to rule our behaviour.  

The Government cannot tax us back into prosperity or out of debt, that is simple truth and only through "responsible consumer behavior" can we fix his economy.  It would be irresponsible of Citizen Bill to continue to allow his government to misuse any more of his or his fellow citizens productivities without a little bit of a fight.  The battle rages.

God Bless Citizen Bill and his Family & Friends.

Here is a great graphic showing some of what we already owe.  Not you and me, we will be dead long before this is paid but you better have some grand kids cause they will be paying the interest on this (notice I did not saying paying off)..
The Great Flow of US Debt
Created by: MBA Online

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